
Session Fees and Rebates

Fees Session Fees

Standard Fee

  • With Medicare Rebate: $103.65 out of pocket
  • Without Medicare Rebate: $240.00

You may also be elibgable for a rebate if you have private health insurance, see below. 

Couples Fee

  • $260.00 (private health rebate may be accessible)

Rebates Private Health

Our psychologists are all registered providers with private health insurers. If you have private health insurance that includes ‘extras’ (specifically psychology extras), you may be entitled to a rebate. If you are covered by your private health insurance, you can access your rebate entitlement by submitting a private health insurance receipt that your psychologist will provide you with at the time of your appointment. 

Rebates Medicare Rebates

Generous Medicare rebates are available for appointments with psychologists at Henderson Psychology. Up to 10 individual counselling sessions can be claimed per calendar year. 

    • Am I eligible? To be eligible for a Medicare rebate you must first see a GP, who will go through a short assessment to determine whether you are experiencing mental health difficulties. The types of difficulties covered by Medicare include anxiety, depression, panic attacks, sleep problems, adjustment disorders, and many more.
    • Do I need a Referral from my GP? By no means are you obliged to have a referral from your GP to see a psychologist, however without a referral you will have to pay the full fee (unless you have coverage through private health insurance).
    • How do I access the Medicare Rebate? Medicare rebates can be accessed in three easy steps:
      1. Visit your GP and discuss why you would like to see a psychologist. When making the GP appointment, ensure you ask for an extended consultation for a “Mental Health Care Plan” (this is the technical term for a referral to a psychologist)
      2. If your GP assesses you as eligible they will complete a Mental Health Care Plan and can make a referral to the psychologist you would like to see
      3. Progress will be reviewed with your GP after your first six sessions with your psychologist. Following this, if deemed appropriate, you will be eligible for additional sessions.

Click here for more information about the “Better Access to Mental Health Care” initiative.